An often ignored but often useful place to find out about all the strange surfboard trips that Fineline Surfboards, Brian Hilbers and Kirk Putnam are up to.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
The SYT-P (P for Pig)
This board is based off the mid-eight foot balsa Quiggs. The template is right-on, ditto the bottom contour and thickness distribution. I've made the rocker somewhat friendlier. It carries what I call "golf ball" rails; I reduce the volume going into the rail, then round it out. This way you lose the cork, but get a very forgiving and neutral rail. This one is at the Mollusk in Venice- there's another at Val Surf in NoHo. This one is 8'6 x 3", 16 x 21 5/8 x 16. I've set the box well back, at 3 1/2" off the tail block. This accommodates either a correctly placed "D" fin, or an upright rectangle, such as the 10" Lightweight shown below, for a snappier ride. The bottom of the board has good roll throughout, with a flattened speed zone in the nose.
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